Monday, May 11, 2009

points of inspiration

Listed below is a collection of quotes that I have gathered over the past two years, while attaining my Masters degree in teaching. I chose these key words and selected quotes because of their influence on the foundations of my educational philosophy.

The first foundational building block is: 

“Respect and concern for your own integrity and for your participants’ (students) dignity and welfare are the bottom lines of ethical research (effective teaching).” –Geoff Mills, 2007

There is no particular order for the following foundational elements of my teaching philosophy because they are all essential to who I am as an individual and therefore interconnected.


 “Cultivating an attitude of play. Andy Goldsworthy remarked that he was bothered when viewers referred to his work as “Childs play” until he realize how intently and earnestly children play. Play involves experimenting, pretending, and trespassing boundaries, but seems always to be conducted in an atmosphere of great seriousness. By framing artmaking as play, both professional and student artists psychologically remove threat and are thereby better able to tackle difficult projects, break boundaries, take risks, and become more inventive.”-Meaning making in art Sydney walker 2001. P. 137 


“Here’s to the kids who are different, The kids who don’t always get A’s, The kids who have ears twice the size of their peers, And noses that go on for days…Here’s to the kids that are different, The kids they call crazy or dumb, The kids who don’t fit with the guts and the grit, Who dance to a different drum…Here’s to the kids who are DIFFERENT, The kids with a mischievous streak, For when they have grown, as history has shown, it’s their difference that makes them UNIQUE.” Digby Wolfe

The Creative Process:

“Fully engaged minds are not bored, nor are they constrained by educational structures.”-From ordinary to extraordinary by  Ken Vieth. 1999



“Transformative power s an integrative power that brings about personal growth and societal improvement. It involves the participation and honest communication of individuals in a group or community acting to improve a particular situation. Creative thinking is involved in all critical thinking endeavors and both are aspects of transformative power.” – Engaging Visual Culture by, Keifer-Boyd and Maitland-Gholson.




My core belief is that, as a teacher I will equip youth with tools for developing/achieving their dreams, goals and passions. 

The last piece of information that has been crucial in my development as an individual was presented to me over a decade ago by a man who undoubtably affected my wllingness to succeed, persever and see hope in all situations. Ron Heagy a quadriplegic, mouth painter who lives in Oregon. An example of his artwork is displayed at the top of this blog. 

“The 7 Ingredients to Rise Above Your Challenge”


 By Ron Heagy 


How one sees himself or herself, others, and the world around them.

How’s your attitude?  Is it positive or negative?

Do you need an attitude adjustment?

Without a positive attitude or the desire to change it, do not continue!


Discover that inner you, the core: what is your mission in life?

What uniquely identifies you among others?

Hint: It’s not what you do or what you have!

A spiritual connection to the Creator.


The fuel that drives purpose…. Pure energy, power.

Energized by purpose.


Purpose + Passion = Potential…. What one is capable of.

No limits to human potential.

Tap into your potential.


Connect with positive people.  Interdependence.

We must not act alone.  Team work makes the dream work!


Develop a plan of action.

Your own map, how to get from A, the starting point, to B the goal.


Whatever it costs, never give up on yourself, others or your dream!

I am sure that as I continue to develop as an individual, artist, mentor, art educator,etc... this list will continue to grow and transform as well.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Interesting to read your quotes. Amazing the way that God has brought different people and circumstances to your life to form who you are. All glory to the Lion.